- 고객여정지도
- 공통영역의 법칙
- 밀러의 법칙
- 넛지효과
- mental model
- 스파르타코팅 UXUI
- process flow
- UX개선사례
- UX Psychology
- 모바일 버튼 크기
- 피그마 플러그인
- 피그마단축키
- 5whys
- IKEA Effect
- 모달의 개념
- UXUI부트캠프
- Mental model discordance
- 프레임 이해
- Fitts’s law
- UXUI개선
- 피그마 프로토타이핑
- Jakob’s Law
- Doherty threshold
- 근접성의 법칙
- UXUI리뷰
- DataDriven
- Zeigarnik Effect
- 제이콥의 법칙
- 유저페르소나
- Goal-Gradient Effect
목록UX Psychology (2)
Toss is the most widely used financial app in Korea and has a very convenient UX. Having used Toss myself for over 3 years, i felt that the service was very usable and that a lot of design thinking was incorporated into the UI. You can find many examples of UX Psychology on Toss. This time, we looked at three types of UX Psychology incorporated into Toss. 1. Goal-Gradient Effect(목표 그라데이션 효과) The..
Due to inherently imperfect information processing abilities, humans take a shortcut in decision making called ‘heuristics’ to reduce errors when decisions are needed. It refers to a decisionmaking method in which decisions are made spontaneously and intuitively with limited information rather than through rigorous analysis of an issue or situation. 1. Mental model(멘탈 모델) A mental model is a des..