
#UX Psychology 2. Goal-Gradient Effect/Zeigarnik Effect/IKEA Effect 본문

Design Contents/UXUI

#UX Psychology 2. Goal-Gradient Effect/Zeigarnik Effect/IKEA Effect

The number zero 2023. 12. 11. 11:26

Toss is the most widely used financial app in Korea and has a very convenient UX.
Having used Toss myself for over 3 years, i felt that the service was very usable and that a lot of design thinking was incorporated into the UI.


You can find many examples of UX Psychology on Toss.
This time, we looked at three types of UX Psychology incorporated into Toss.

1. Goal-Gradient Effect(목표 그라데이션 효과)

The closer you get to your goal, the more likely you are to reach it.


- The interval  section display lets you know what stage you are currently in.
- The state, indicated by n/n, indicates the difference between the current state and goal attainment.



2. Zeigarnik Effect(자이가르니크 효과)

People remember unfinished or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks.


- Alert displayed at the top left of the greeting icon

- Dots appear at the top left of the settings icon icon



3. IKEA Effect

It is a cognitive dissonance in which people think that self-made items have more value than finished products sold on the market.
The more time and effort people invest in a particular product or service, the more important they attach to it.


- Raise your own character (animal) and receive limited edition items