
What is UX/UI Design? / The importance of 'Design Thinking' 본문

Design Contents/UXUI

What is UX/UI Design? / The importance of 'Design Thinking'

The number zero 2023. 12. 5. 16:49

User experience based UI design is becoming increasingly important not only in the IT industry but also in the overall industry.


But what is the difference between UX and UI? The meanings of UX and UI are different.


UX (User Experience) design simply means user experience. UX design is the comprehensive design of the experience, such as the reactions and actions a user feels while using a product, system, service, etc. directly or indirectly.

UI (User Interface) design is the design of how users use the product. In other words, you can think of it as work that is visualized on the outside. It is a concept that encompasses the design and layout that users will actually encounter.



What I learned while working as a product manager for 4 years
Of course, technical skills are important for a product to succeed,

but ‘A service that overlooks the importance of design can never succeed.’


There is one example that inspired me about the importance of 'UI design' and 'Design Thinking'.


In 2008, three young people in San Francisco founded Airbnb. In less than 10 years, Airbnb has grown into a global lodging company with a corporate value of $30 billion. Of course, their main success factor was creating innovative services that had never been seen before, but the biggest reason they were able to continuously overcome crises and grow in a world filled with countless variables is 'Design Thinking'. there was.


In a reality where such social awareness is widespread, Airbnb's success has shown that a designer's thinking, creativity, and sensitivity can have good effects when applied to business. Whenever there was a crisis, they cleverly solved the problem by using the designer’s way of thinking, or ‘design thinking.’


They sympathized with why customers do not want to use Airbnb. They defined the reason, came up with an appropriate idea to solve it, and created a prototype. And they continued to test new approaches and solve the problem.


Customers' demands on the market have increased, and they have become more interested not only in products and technologies, but also in good design, brands, and experiences they can obtain. As this trend continues, people will want more personalized experiences. 

To quote an expression from Philip Kotler's book <Market 4.0>, 

in the high-tech world, people need high touch (human sensibility).